Argh, it's infected !! There's nothing worse or more worrying than suspecting the demise of a much loved piercing. You endured the pain, and fell in love with the look only to realise, at some stage, that it's unhappy and progressively getting worse. You'll be pleased to know that a DIY Sea Salt Soak therapy is both cheap and easy. If you don't notice an improvement within hours, we recommend seeking the advise of your GP, however most people find that the Sea Salt Soak works like a treat.
You'll need a kettle (or a way to boil water), a shot glass, store bought sea salt and a towel.
Step 1. Boil some water and allow it to cool completely to a comfortable skin temperature. Do NOT use while it is still hot or steaming, burning your disgruntled piercing will not do you any favours.
Step 2. Wash your hands (always!)
Step 3. Grab a shot glass, or a similar small shaped glass, and fill it halfway.
Step 4. Grind your sea salt into the glass, adding approximately 1 teaspoon or a generous amount.
Step 5. Grab a towel and have it nearby. Stand over your shot glass and create a suction with your navel piercing. Then you can either lean back in a chair or on a couch, using the towel to prevent any unexpected spills.
Step 6. Allow the piercing to soak for approximately 1 minute before removing the glass (you may wish to stand up again to prevent spillage).
You should notice an improvement almost immediately however if you don't notice any remarkable improvements it may be wise to seek a GP for advise. The issue could be a serious infection that may need antibiotics, or alternatively it could be a metal allergy. Metal allergies typically present with itchy bumps, whereas infections will present with red inflammation, serious infections may present with discharge and should be assessed by a doctor or your body piercing professional.
If you suspect a metal allergy, you may wish to checkout our hypoallergenic range of body jewellery here.
To avoid infections moving forward, always wash your hands, jewellery, and piercing location before touching or changing any jewellery.